Monday, June 4, 2012


In the late 19th century, Mr X started an electrical and mechanical business. He made his first car in the early 20th century. He was introduced to Mr Y in a hotel in that same year, and the pair agreed a deal where Mr X would manufacture cars, to be sold exclusively by Mr Y.  Name the two gentlemen, and the brand that they started. A blurred image of their 1st logo (which of course has changed over time) is shown here.

P. S. : You can post your answer as a comment.

quizster, logo quiz

Correct Answer : The correct answer was given by Mohammed Uzair, ans the correct answer is

Mr.X is Mr. Henry Royce, Mr.Y is Mr. Charles Rolls and the Brand is Rolls-Royce.


Unknown said...

Mr.X is Henry Royce
Mr.Y is Charles Rolls
And the Brand is Rolls-Royce

Unknown said...

Mr.X is Henry Royce
Mr.Y is Charles Rolls
And the Brand is Rolls-Royce.

Quizster said...

Spot On !!